The iron has been set-up on the ironing board in the bedroom since the Monday after Danielle left. I’ve no real need to take it down, but it does worry me a little.
It doesn’t look particularly attractive, and it is slightly in the way when I enter and leave the room. So, why do I not take it down? Because I can’t be bothered because I know I shall need to set it up again in a day or two.
The thing is, if I am left to my own devices, how many other things might I just leave out? And, given that you take clothes off when it is time for bed, what’s the point of putting them on in the first place? I could just wander round in my Bjorn Borg pants all day.
And, once I’ve boarded that train, I’m only one stop away from hoarding newspapers and keeping my wee in jam jars.
I decided to take down the ironing board...........soon.